1. The myth that you can 'stretch' the ITB, it is non-contractile, meaning it is unable to shorten or lengthen like muscle tissue, so you cannot stretch it.
2. Foam Rolling the ITB, causes no immediate effect, apart from absolute
misery & ungodly pain, leading to a release of cortisol in your blood that causes stress and forces you to contract muscles as a response.
3. 'Massage therapists’ who think that beating
someone’s ITB up will reduce the tension running through it.
What is it?
An injury
which presents on the outside of the knee, it tends to be more common in
runners, hence the nickname ‘Runners’ knee).
The Ilio-tibial tract
originates at the ilium feeding into the Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) running down
the leg toward the outside of the knee, before inserting into the outer aspect
of the Tibia.
The ITB is a
non-contractile fibrous (thickened) band of taut fascia (fascia= connective tissue
that links muscles together into functional slings & separates them in to
working compartments).
In running, the
ITB works to support the lateral sling system, providing stability to the knee
joint during flexion (knee bent) and extension (knee straight).
When the
knee is in extension you can see that the ITB sits slightly
in front of the bulbous bony feature on the outside of the knee joint known as ‘lateral
femoral condyle’.
During running gait when
the knee achieves 30 degrees of flexion the ITB will pass over the femoral
condyle, rubbing against it, this is how Runner’s knee received the term ‘friction
syndrome’. Repetitive frictions will cause rubbing leading to inflammation
& discomfort around the outside of the knee.
How to Diagnose
Increased running (especially downhill)
Pain may not present immediately, it may become
worse after a certain distance, it will however become too painful to continue
Pain is not present following relative rest yet
upon restarting running activities the symptoms return
& Symptoms
· Localized pain to outside of knee joint (approximately
3cm above the joint line)
Minor swelling which may commute to the front
outside of the knee
Applying a compressive force with the thumb to
the area, in combination with knee flexion and extension (to 30 degrees)
replicates the symptoms
Positive Obers test
The ITB is
unable to shorten or lengthen like muscle tissue: Excessive tension must therefore be produced by
muscles that connect to it via fascial trains.
TFL- Has similar
functions to the glute medius but poor commitment to flexibility of the TFL (or lack of understanding)
& too much training of the anterior chain (front of body) forces up-regulation of the TFL & excessive dominance over the gluteal group.
It becomes
actively shortened, leading to a tilting forward of the pelvis, significantly
increasing tension on the ITB.
Quadriceps (Vastus Lateralis)- This
outer quad feeds under the ITB, in comparison to the inner quad (Vastus
Medialis) it becomes over developed, shortened & neutrally overactive,
lending to the development of many trigger points that restrict movement in the
ITB and contribute to symptoms.
Glute maximus- Its deep fibres contribute to
local stabilization of the Sacro-iliac joint; however it is the superficial
fibres we are interested in; A flat
lumbar spine (or tailbone tucked under) will cause the glute max to be held in
an actively shortened, up-regulated position, again potentially contributing to the tension
through the band.
Biceps Femoris- Outer hamstring, feeds
via fascia into back of the ITB, if this muscle becomes shortened, it may
contribute to symptoms.
Muscle summary; we can assume that the
following factors will contribute to excessive tension of the ITB & the presentation of symptoms;
- Lack of knowledge & poor training
- Up-regulation of muscles that attach into the ITB due to over-use
- Active shortening of muscles that attach into the ITB due to poor posture & adherence to flexibility
- The Development of trigger points that act like roadblocks within muscle fibres creating excessive tension, caused by poor adherence to fascial release
- Remove aggravating factors such as running provide an alternate means of CV such as swimming or cross trainer until symptoms subside
- Allow time for rest, ice if required
- General Massage + Frictions- around the insertion of the ITB on the femoral condyle, to promote breakdown of any thickened scar tissue around the knee
- Application of advanced soft tissue therapy techniques including soft tissue release, muscle energy techniques to over-active muscles
- Inhibit over-active muscles through self-administered trigger pointing with a tennis ball/ Hockey ball: (TFL, Vastus Lateralis, Glute Max)
- Flexibility of all muscles mentioned above if it is confirmed through functional movement screening & coaching that they are in a shortened state
- Activation of Glute medius, medial hamstrings, VMO and Short adductors
- Application of rock/ kinesio-taping to muscle tissue or fascia to facilitate movement